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We live in a very diverse world now where the English language cannot be relied on to provide clear and distinct meaning. Have you ever had a miscommunication in a discussion with others in which words used created confusion? Recently, I was asked to clarify why I believe in meditation and what is was as a practice. What a fabulous question! Many individuals will place a negative meaning on words they may not quite be familiar with in their lives. Having an open discussion or asking questions may lead you toward a more positive connection of language.

So, what is meditation? There are many ways to meditate and it is a personal practice for each individual. Some people meditate through sound with music, instruments, or even chanting. Some may incorporate it into a spiritual or religious practice. What do you think of when you hear the word meditation?

For me, it is very simple. In prayer we speak with God, we praise, we thank, we request. The difference is through meditation we commune and listen to Him. It is the “lie in green pastures and be still” moments. It is my favorite part of my consistent relationship with God. It is where I grow through His wisdom. I am nurtured and filled up in order to give out even more to others with compassion. It has become part of my daily practice and I continue to grow from the wisdom I “download”. We will find the power of God’s words as we meditate on them. I would recommend you looking at the book of Psalms in the Bible to assist you.

This year my word is Re:FRESH and part of my refreshing practice it to meditate and “listen” more. Finding moments of stillness and quiet in my day to just breathe...truly breathe and be observant of what occurs through the sensory connections of my body. Right now, as I write, I am at my yoga studio with candles flowing, soft fans on, quiet music, and just taking a breathe to express my inner thoughts about the power of meditation for all of us.

What’s your practice of quiet and refreshing opportunities? Find them during your day and breathe IN the goodness and breathe OUT the stress, challenging thoughts, and outside chaos around you. Then...just listen! Remember, too, listening is also part of learning and expanding our mind through conversations and ideas. Take time for you as you Re:FRESH!

Stay tuned!


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