Maybe We All Should Be Meditating

Do you meditate? If not, you should be focusing on mindfulness and breath more in your life. It is working right now for one “real housewife” and guess who…LeeAnne. She’s even trying to share her new practice with the others by bringing her singing bowls on their girls’ getaway. I’m so excited for LeeAnne, but I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s rewind.
The drama has begun and they are just heating up…as usual. Yet, there are a few ladies in the group who are trying to remain calm and discuss challenges or feelings as they arise so maybe the arguments won’t be the end result. Want to recap with me?
The baby “blue” shower hosted by Stephanie and Travis continues with all of the women in attendance. Everyone is shocked to find out about Brandi and of course because they didn’t know. Their reactions are less than excited. Maybe a few of them have a case of the dreaded FOMO (fear of missing out). Cary and Stephanie were all part of the “inside” news so that created a less than desired reaction, especially from Kameron. Sometimes you just need to share special news with your closest friends.
We watch as LeeAnne gives Brandy a congratulations even with their broken relationship, she is still on her “stay positive” path…way to go, LeeAnne. The hurt was apparent but the door was now open to them. Love how they are focusing on forgiveness and moving on. Babies do bring a sense of healing and Brandi is exercising her new feelings of being a mom. LeeAnne did say to Brandi how hurt she was in a deep way. They talked, they listened, they cried, they hugged. Wow! Way to go, ladies! Yes, talking things through really works doesn’t it.
D’Andra is less than positive and through clenched teeth she says “congratulations”, while whispering to the others , “I’m surprised they are bringing a baby into their relationship. I thought they were headed for divorce last year.” Why would you even state that at a joyful event for others? I’m also a little concerned as Brandi reached out to D’Andra to resolve their argument and misunderstanding that there was a lack of responsibility and honesty on D’Andra’s side. Why would you be blogging, as a “housewife” about drug use being a concern in Dallas and not meaning it to be part of the negative view you share with others openly in regards to Brandy? Her strong response out loud was, “enjoy your baby and your Adderall!” Let’s say it again, negativity and gossip doesn’t help anyone, including YOU.
Kameron was the most in shock, and I think I am the most shocked myself at her reaction. She seems to be very hurt about the way the news was shared. Why? Kameron, you and Brandi have never been close and actually you don’t approve nor even like her, which has been shared on more than one occasion. This should be a joyful evening of love. Etiquette says, if you can’t be a proper guest celebrating with the honored family of the evening, one should excuse themselves and go home.
I will say, Kameron does try to pull everyone back together by suggesting a girls’ trip to Beaver Creek and all were excited to say “yes”. She plans a beautiful getaway of relaxation at their family “lodge” starting off with a delivery of striped pajamas, Kameron-style pink of course and monogrammed. She offers their personal plane for the trip and planned meals provided by a chef each day. All seems to be going well as they embark on the fun weekend together. Yet, the drama wasn’t left behind in Dallas, it all came with them. Watch more next week to continue to saga.
LeeAnne does share a moment of meditation on their arrival at the lodge, which will be much needed as they are entering into a rocky weekend already. Thank you for sharing breath and focus in this moment. I think we all needed it.
Let me take a moment to share my positive reaction to Brandi and Brian adopted this beautiful little boy. I, myself, am adopted and I have been a part of all of the “sides” in the adoption process. That’s a story for another day. My advocacy runs deep behind the professional aspect of the process into the personal one. I’ve worked in the adoption field and believe in the ability for everyone to support those who are seeking a child to complete their family and those facing the releasing of a child to someone else’s arms. It is a parent’s right to share their journey in whatever way they feel comfortable. Brandi and Brian will have their up’s and down’s as they remember what it is like to have a small child and some children of adoption feel differently, so the discussions with Bruin will be very different. Be blessed and enjoy this special gift of life, you two!
Until next week….stay tuned and be YOU!