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Welcome Back!

Guess what...they’re back and so am I! So much has changed since early in 2018 when RHOD Season 2 was completed. Yes, I haven’t been blogging since last season and can’t wait to be back to share my thoughts and connections with these year’s season of RHOD again!

First of all, I just have to say...Welcome Back, Ladies of Dallas! Wow...the drama is even higher and hotter! They don’t waste any time kicking off the fun. I’m ready, too!

Lots of new beginnings since last season...and changes are here, for ME included! I will share my newest updates since last year being on the show! we say, Stay Tuned!

Let’s share an overview of all the stories included tonight, in the first episode.

There’s the adoption of Bruin for Brandi and Brian! Wow! Congratulations! What a big shift for their lives! It is a beautiful story of love in a new way. Bringing a baby into your home creates a change for everyone! It will be interesting to see how Bruin brings new insights and challenges, especially once all the girls find out. James Mercer...we adore you and the work you do! He was instrumental in the “love connection” for them all.

I have my own connection to adoption and actually have been asked a few times to consider sharing my story. Understanding all the different aspects of adoption has been part of my life both personally and professionally. Our hearts do expand when love is released. My connection to adoption will be part of my further blogging this season as the story of Bruin continues.

LeeAnne is attempting mindfulness meditation; We all want you better, LeeAnne. Actually, a great start to learning to calm and retrain the brain. Why mindfulness? She shares some of the research on the brain and yes, some of what she states is true. The amygdala grows exponentially when there is a threat or trauma in the early childhood development. It is a structural shift from what should be occurring and activates a heightened reaction to perceived threat and even some overly sensitive stimulation. Yet, I do agree with D’Andra in regards to LeeAnne being responsible for her actions as a key focus to healing her past and her current relationships.

I use techniques in mindfulness, breath, and yoga, myself to develop my own practice and to share with my clients and friends. They are powerful strategies and can support any life challenges no matter the intensity. Individuals with health concerns can even find great benefit in understanding and using these techniques in your life.

LeeAnne and Cary decide to chat. Being able to establish a mutual respect relationship is the first step. Yes, actions speak louder than words so changing your actions is the only place to start. As Cary states, “let’s move past rehashing what happened.” A clean slate of forgiveness and trying to be “real” with each other is a new moment to witness. Even with no trust between them yet, they can begin fresh. Boundaries are about respect and they are off to a good start. We will see!

Since last year, Cary has worked diligently on being herself no matter what the circumstance. Being empowered and speaking her mind was always what she wanted. I am so proud of her! Cary is being REAL...go Cary! I say, every women should be able to be honest with others and not feel she would be “punished” or “attacked” for taking a stand. It is time for her to use her powerful voice! She’s now a “boss bitch” running her own business as part of their positive and growing clinical practice. She is still enjoying her daughter, Zuri, every morning and heading in to work in the afternoons. Cary and Mark made it work! Way to go! Meet....the NEW and improved CARY and ladies...look out!

What can I say about our girl in pink? Cameron is still struggling with her pink dog food line being sold in only a few boutiques. The discussion with Cort reveals his displeasure about the business and how he isn’t following the path of a wife entrepreneur as much as he was last season. Hum...I wonder what will be next for them.

Time to keep the love going tonight as D’Andra and Jeremy are planning their fourth anniversary party. D’Andra is the perfect hostess and loves high end fine dining. Jeremy is ready for the family to get together and the party. D’Andra is still struggling in business and mostly in her relationship with “Momma Dee”. Even though last season she relinquished her position as managing founder and gave the keys to her daughter, she has since pulled them back and is challenging her authority with D’Andra in the company. To make tonight even more fun with the anniversary party, Mom and daughter aren’t speaking and they will be facing each other first the first time. Wow...what about a session about healthy boundaries? The offer is there, D’Andra. D’Andra has always been in her mom’s shadow. Trash talking about her daughter at her own party? Her mom has to micromanage her etiquette behavior during dinner, too? Maybe someone needs to talk to her mom about appropriate etiquette for every party...graciousness and honoring of your host and hostess. My hope is they are able to work this out together.

Friends, friends, friends, and alliances? Yes, you will see a lot of shifts this year in who is friends with whom and who isn’t. I am so glad Brandi and Stephanie have resolved things and worked through their relationship to a healthier level. That Cary and LeeAnne are restarting their friendship to a new fresh place. And...looks like Stephanie and LeeAnne are just beginning their fun. It all remains to be seen and it’s ONLY the first night!

If you want to know more about the deeper stories from last year, follow me at Walk with Lori on Facebook and Instagram. Stay tuned for my new book coming out in September, Step OUT, Step UP, Step Forward: How to Walk with Purpose. You may just read some stories about behind the scenes with some of my favorite “housewives”.

Until next week and a new episode of RHOD3....

Lori, The Visionary Coach

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