Re-Envision your life, one step at a time
Walk With Lori
Are you seeking dynamic and purposeful opportunities for inspiration, collaboration, and networking? Join us for GROUP ENGAGEMENT.
Are you searching for new insight, support, or growth in your life or work? Answers may be found for you in COACHING.
​Are you experianceing a life filled with deep conversations and personal growth? Choose to embrace who you are in our PROGRAMS.
Are you a ready to walk into a consciously collaborative network of Empowered women? Engage in our COMMUNITY.

Re-envision your life, one step at a time.
Let's start our walk together today!
My name is Lori Dixon, and I'm a Visionary Coach, Innovative Facilitator, Best-Selling Author, & TV Personality.
Find out more about myself & my programs above, and contact me for a complimentary coaching session, which includes your own
"I AM" Visionary Profile.