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LLD Legacy Publishing Presents


Wisdom On The Walk

Spirit-filled, God-directed, Purpose-driven Life Stories

Image by Rachel Lees

Is your soul thirsty for Spirit-filled,
God-directed, purpose-driven life stories?

This unique anthology invites you to join 12 authors as they tell their stories about gaining God’s wisdom while walking through the ebbs and flows of life.


You will also be delighted by the interconnected writings of Lori L. Dixon’s chapters throughout the book.

In these stories, you will read about:


  • Finding gratitude in everything

  • Seeking the kingdom of God, even in the face of grief

  • Walking shamelessly and courageously through struggles

  • Wondering if this is really what life has to offer

  • Shining when it’s easier to shrink

  • Gaining wisdom in our walk

  • Becoming kingdom ambassadors

  • Appreciating family

  • Dreaming BIG

  • Connecting childhood dreams to adulthood reality

  • Counting your blessings and changing your attitude

  • Hugging palm trees…Yes, you read that right

  • Learning how YOU can become a published author

Image by Saksham Gangwar

Order Your
Copy Today!

You Are Invited!
Live Book Launch in Dallas, TX

Wisdom On The Walk Book Launch
Wisdom On The Walk Book Launch
May 11, 2023, 6:30 PM

Meet the Authors

Meet the Authors behind the book...


About Lori L. Dixon

LLD Legacy Publishing

Lori L. Dixon, Ed.S., is the owner of LLD Legacy, Walk with Lori, and LLD Legacy Publishing. Lori brings more than 40 years of wisdom and experience working in education, therapy, business, and nonprofits. She is a visionary leader, life transformation expert, best-selling author and publisher, as well as multiple international award-winning host and producer on streaming TV.

As a writer for many years and a published author, editor, and “reader” for others, Lori knew her passion would always be there. Lori expanded her mission from author to publishing with anthologies and compilation books for a few years. That is what sparked her desire to create open opportunities for others to write books and programs to bring forth their own dynamic stories. She believes we are all meant to be SEEN in 
our own God-given divine design and have a mission to share right now within the world.

LLD Legacy Publishing is a full service publishing company with editing, writing, illustrating, cover design, photography, media, marketing, and MORE just for you. Whether your story is fiction or nonfiction and if it is for children or adults, we are here to guide and support your journey to becoming and expanding being an author.

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